Get quick answers to the most frequently asked questions about Forest Home Cemetery & Arboretum.
Yes! Because we’ve been around since 1850, many people think we must be full. This is not the case. We’ve expanded the cemetery since our opening to have nearly 200 acres so we currently have availability for another 100 years.
Cemetery property is much like real estate property where value depends on location. It also depends on the means of burial be it in-ground, above ground, cremation, green burial, etc. A single grave starts at $1,500 but can go up to $5,000 if it is in a historical section.
Yes, we sell granite monuments as well as granite and bronze markers. We purchase directly from suppliers which cuts out the costs of a middleman.
Yes, we offer an 18 month 0% interest program which allows individuals to purchase items over time rather than having to pay at once.
Our office is open Monday through Friday 8:00 AM – 4:30 PM, and Saturday 10:00 AM – 3:00 PM. Appointments can be made outside of these hours, including Sundays.
Professional photo shoot requests for weddings, engagements, and senior photos are a flat $150 fee and require a signed permission form. To schedule, contact Sara at sarat@foresthomecemetery.com
Green burial, natural burial, eco-friendly burial are the same. It is a type of burial that allows for the least environmental impact by restricting embalming, cement vaults and non-biodegradable caskets. It is also more afforable than traditional burials. Read more about it in the green burial section of this site.
During the floral growing season in Wisconsin, flowers may be planted at in-ground grave locations. It is the planter’s responsibility to water and maintain these flowers. Should you chose to participate in Forest Home Cemetery and Arboretum’s 3 year Floral Program, our grounds staff will plant and water them throughout the growing season.
It can be hard to find one grave on nearly 200 acres! That is why our office staff is at your service to not only look up a location, but provide you with a map directing you there. Stop in during office hours, and we are happy to be of service.
Yes, the Halls of History are open to the public during business hours. Stop in the office and one of our staff will open the door for you. Individuals with loved ones entombed or inurned in the building have access seven days a week from 8:00 AM – 4:30 PM.
Due to the actions of a few, we have had to secure the cemetery with gates and video surveillance cameras. We are no longer open from dawn to dusk. Our hours are now:
Winter: November 15th to March 14th – Gates open at 8:00 AM and close at 5:00 PM
Summer: March 15th to November 14th – Gates open at 8:00 AM and close at 7:00 PMThe Cleveland Gates are now permanently closed.
March 30th thru October 31st
Fresh or artificial flowers may be placed in metal or plastic vase (one vase per grave marker or in crypt rings or wooden bench in approved vases) Flowers are available for purchase in the FH office.
The planting of perennials and annuals are allowed on graves with raised markers – plantings are not allowed to exceed the width of the marker and must be 12 inches or less from the front of the marker. No edging of any kind is allowed. At Family monuments, planting of flowers is allowed in the front and back of the main monument as well as the front of the smaller head or foot markers.
Shrubs and trees may not be planted anywhere in the Cemetery without written approval from the grounds superintendent.
American flags may be placed at any grave May 1st-July 4th.
November 15th-March 15th
All decorations must be removed prior to November 15th. Any item not removed, will be discarded.
All permanent vases must have flowers removed and be turned upside down.
Christmas wreaths are allowed, one per grave and can be purchased in the FH office.
Shepherd’s hooks or similar items will no longer be permitted and need to be removed prior to November 15, 2021.
The following items are prohibited. Violations will be removed and thrown out.
Solar lights, crosses, pinwheels, toys, potted plants, metal designs, stuffed animals, ornaments, balloons, anything glass, wind chimes, food, alcohol, signs or paper decorations, homemade memorials, shepherd’s hooks or similar articles.
No writing, stickers, tape, glue, or any other adhesive on the crypts is allowed.
Para preservar la belleza del Cementerio y garantizar un mantenimiento y uniformidad eficientes en todo el cementerio, se aplican las siguientes reglas con respecto a las decoraciones y colocaciones y eliminaciones florales.
Se pueden colocar flores frescas o artificiales en un jarrón de metal o plástico (un jarrón por lapida de tumba o en anillos de cripta o bancos de madera en jarrones aprobados.) Arreglos de flores artificiales están disponibles para su compra en la oficina del Cementerio.
La plantación de perennes y anuales se permite en tumbas con lápidas elevados – las plantaciones no pueden exceder el ancho de la lápida y deben ser de 12 pulgadas o menos desde la parte delantera de la lápida. No se permite ningún tipo de borde. En los monumentos familiares, se permiten plantaciones de flores delante y detrás de los monumentos principales, así como la parte delantera de las lapidas más pequeños de la cabeza o los pies.
No se puede plantar arbustos y árboles en ningún lugar del Cementerio sin la aprobación por escrito del Superintendente del Cementerio.
Las banderas estadounidenses pueden colocarse en cualquier tumba de 1 de mayo al 4 de Julio.
15 de Noviembre al 15 de Marzo
Todas las decoraciones deben quitarse antes del 15 de noviembre. Cualquier artículo no eliminado, será descartado.
Todos los jarrones permanentes se les debe quitar las flores y darles la Vuelta en preparacion para el invierno.
Se permiten coronas navideñas, una por tumba y tenemos coronas artifciales para comprar en la oficina del Cementerio.
Ya no se permitirán ganchos de pastor, ni articulos similares y deberán quitarse antes del 15 de noviembre 2021.
Luces solares, cruces, molinetes, juguetes, plantas en macetas, diseños de metal, peluches, adornos, globos, cualquier cosa de vidirio, campanas de viento, comida, alcohol, carteles o papel decoraciones, memoriales hecho en casa, ganchos de pastor o articulos similares.
No se permite escritua, calcomanias, Cintas adhesiva, pegamento o cualquier otro adhesivo en las criptas.